Sunday, August 3, 2008

Maintaining a Long Distance Relationship - 1

I've been through a long distance relationship before.. Thought I would be able to handle it well and make our relationship last but sadly, it didn't work out. How do we maintain a Long distance relationship? I've seen some tips to share with you guys...

Establish some ground rules: Get everything in the open, so that there are no sneaky feelings between you both. Talk about whether you can see other people romantically, how often you'd like to speak to each other, and if there are special occasions where the two of you must see each other in person.

Send snail mails: It is an inexpensive way to stay in touch. The recipient can keep the letter and read it any time they miss you and need a hug. Of course, you can send more than letters. You could send a taped message of love, or a CD that alternates between your message and some of your beloved's favourite songs, or even a blank jigsaw puzzle that you write on and send a few pieces at a time.

Arrange to watch a TV program together: It's a unique way to connect. That way, you can experience the enjoyment simultaneously, even though you're miles apart. And later on, call each other and discuss.

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